Sunday, August 17, 2008

Scotland: Not in England After All

I'm having a long, technically troubled day, and really, I wasn't going to blog at all. Then, I went to buy milk and a conversation with the cashier and bagger gave me something to write about and an excuse to post a Limmy video.

First, yes, I got into an overly long conversation with the cashier and bagger, but that's another story. Suffice it to say that the fact that I used to live in Scotland came up. Here's a rundown of the conversation - it starts with one of my favorite questions ever (lucky for me, people ask me all time!):

Cashier: "What language do they speak in Scotland?"

Bagger: "They speak English! Scotland is in England, dummy!"

Me: "Well, they speak English, but Scotland isn't IN England. They're two different countries, but they're both in the United Kingdom."

Bagger: "No, you're wrong. England is the same thing."

Mind you, I had just explained that I spent seven years living in Scotland, but what do I know? Anyway, it made me think of this Limmy video. By the way, if you don't know Limmy, he's hysterical. This probably isn't his funniest, especially if British politics aren't your bag (understandable), but you can check out more on his YouTube channel. GTA IV video - highly recommended (if you're not easily offended).

And Scotland is not in England. Please believe me.