Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh, Go On Then...

Pretending that my last post didn't prompt a weekend of watching this video over and over again would be futile. On the upside, the time investment wasn't a total waste as I think I have the choreography down pat. If this leads you to dig up Horace Brown, Silk and H-Town videos, well, I can't take responsibility for that. I'm not going to confirm rumors that I watched Snow's Informer video. Let's keep some dignity.

But, what I can confirm is that if you really want to have a good time, just read the comments YouTube users post with these videos. The fact that people are still commenting on, say, a CMB video EVERY DAY is startling enough (as of writing, the last comment on this video posted above was 4 minutes ago). The things they are saying are even more fun:

"They should be called SING me badd!" - oh, well played, windowHAT.

"The anthem of the high school rapist" - ehhh, Yabrau, log off, ok?

"Now I know exactly what to do to get my man" - fingers crossed, Fruitful Mind, fingers crossed.

Oh yeah, it goes on and on. Trust me, you're not getting any work done for days. Enjoy!